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Learn More about the AGO...

Who We Are and What We Do. Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell is the chief lawyer and law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In addition, her office serves as an advocate and resource for the Commonwealth, its residents and businesses in many areas, including protecting consumers, combating fraud and corruption, protecting civil rights, and promoting meaningful economic recovery.

The main office of the Attorney General is located in Boston. Regional offices are located in Western, Central and Southeastern Massachusetts, allowing residents statewide access to services and information.

The Attorney General's Office is organized into six distinct bureaus. The divisions and teams within each bureau have distinct missions, but work closely together to ensure the Attorney General’s Office provides the highest level of public protection. We invite you to learn more about our bureaus, work, and initiatives.

Who Should Apply. The AGO acknowledges and appreciates the different perspectives and backgrounds that make our Commonwealth unique. We seek talented and passionate people with a commitment to public service to help us in the important work we do. There is not one particular path to the AGO for attorneys or non-legal staff. We welcome and value applicants from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and experiences. Our work incorporates a broad selection of legal practice areas in a variety of subject matters and relies on our teams of attorneys, administrative staff, investigators, paralegals, victim witness advocates, and others. The work of our distinct bureaus includes public protection, criminal prosecution, civil litigation (affirmative and defensive), regulatory work, appellate work, administrative work, and much more.

To hear of job opportunities as they arise, sign up for our email Job Alerts. You will receive notice each time we post an available opportunity. To sign up for Job Alerts, you will need to complete a profile with your basic information. You don’t need to complete the profile until you decide to apply for a specific job posting.

Welcome. The Attorney General's Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer. As the representative of the Commonwealth and its residents, the Attorney General's Office strives to ensure that those working in our office reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. The Office encourages applicants from a broad spectrum of backgrounds to apply for positions.

Qualified individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. We will gladly assist applicants who are in need of an accommodation. For assistance, feel free to contact the Human Resources Division at (617) 963-2041.

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